This is such a heartfelt and authentic post, appreciate the transparency this resonated with me very deeply x

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Thank you for reading. This comment made my day (night) because I felt so nervous sharing!

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as someone who’s also quite emotional i resonated with this 💕

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Yesss! I think it’s difficult to find the balance, for so long I was told I was too emotional so I tried always letting them out. But expression in excess is dangerous too so I’m looking for balance.

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i’m on the repressive side of the coin lmao not so fun over here either, i wish you luck in figuring out the balance💕

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You are just so talented Adri, always in awe of you. Honing an ability to make your writing authentic and personable and this learned is something that takes dedication and practice - you not only build on that ability with each post but you seem to possess it naturally. So so great

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Thank you for recognising this, each post centred on my emotions feels less awkward each time I write and share them. I always appreciate your support Zahraa :)

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